Forum Rules

  1. Vigorous debate and an open exchange of ideas are encouraged. Contributors should feel free to disagree with other posters, including representatives of Texans for Greg Abbott. At the same time, courtesy is expected at all times.
  2. If you have an idea you would like to share, be specific. Make sound, logical arguments.  Use concrete examples to support your point.
  3. You must register and no anonymous posts will be allowed
  4. Do not post any personal attacks, harassment, or statements indicating prejudice on the basis of gender, race, religion, national origin, etc.
  5. Do not post commercial advertisements on the Forum.
  6. Do not post about personal matters or grievances.  Remember, this is a policy forum.  But if you have a matter that you believe may require our attention, please feel free to contact the campaign via email.
  7. Please do not use the Forum to promote candidates for office.
  8. Any use of or links to vulgar language, pornographic imagery, criminal activity, or incitement to violence, will not be tolerated and will lead to your account being banned.
  9. Do not hold yourself out as a representative of Texans for Greg Abbott unless you have been expressly authorized to do so by the campaign. Please note that views expressed by representatives of Texans for Greg Abbott are not necessarily those of Greg Abbott.
  10. This Forum is for the discussion of policies and issues for Texas. Extraneous and off-topic posts are not useful and may be deleted by moderators.
  11. The site is divided into a number of policy categories. Please be sure to post in the appropriate category section, and to stay on topic.
  12. Respect each other and follow posted instructions. Most importantly, please enjoy the debate!