Home Bicentennial Blueprint What Can We Do To Improve Our Great State?

What Can We Do To Improve Our Great State?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  David Williams 9 years, 6 months ago.

  • What Can We Do To Improve Our Great State?

    Started by Paul Ingle

    Congratulations on your victory! We look forward to your new leadership in our troubled times.

    I believe that there are some critical issues facing our state and country:

    1) Upholding the Constitution and following its legacy and state empowerment provided by the Framers.
    2) Securing our borders.
    3) Removing barriers and regulations for small businesses to start and existing ones to flourish so we can create more jobs. We own a small business and it has been challenging the last 8 years.
    4) Energy independence.
    5) Repeal of the Affordable Care Act; allow free-enterprise to work to lower costs and competition.
    6) Reduction of the corporate tax rate
    7) Enforcement of the current laws including those under TDLR oversight.

    Texas has been a leader in the nation on many of the conservative topics that fuel job growth and creation. I am proud to be a native Texan and optimistic about our future (despite the injury caused during the last few years by the current administration.)

    Please let me know how I can help!


    I agree with points 1-7 above. I would also add that Gov. Abbott should re-affirm the protection of human life (both born and unborn). Also, while recognizing the diversity of religious views in Texas, Gov. Abbott would engender much public respect for his humility and servant attitude, by publicly acknowledging his reliance on God for wisdom.

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