Home Healthy Texans Health Care Dramatically Reduce Healthcare Fraud

Dramatically Reduce Healthcare Fraud

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  T.E. Sumner 9 years, 6 months ago.

  • Dramatically Reduce Healthcare Fraud

    Started by Bill Wetherbee

    In 2010 IBM Corp. offered for FREE, technology to save the country over 900 BILLION dollars in Medicare fraud. This was a conservative estimate. There is a new CEO at IBM, but I think it would be worth contacting IBM to see if Texas could utilize that technology to save the state hundreds of millions of dollars. See the YouTube video at => http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvkV5IPVtVg

    There are benefits to IBM. One, they get to prove the technology in a real world environment and apply/sell it to other states and other situations. Two, it would be terrific advertising for them. Finally, it would add to IBM’s reputation for the ability to tackle complex issues and as a generous corporate citizen.

    The benefits to the Texas taxpayers and the state are very apparent.


    Do you think Palmisano would be willing to run a trial program in Texas to reduce fraud?

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