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Health care for Texans

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Cheryl Kimsey Killian 9 years, 5 months ago.

  • Health care for Texans

    Started by Laura Brown

    There is another way to do this until we get out of the hole & everyone has health care. Ask doctors, nurses, etc to donate a few hours each month to a free clinic where low-income people could go. Also, for student family practice drs, give them a lower tuition if they choose to become one; we’re running short. We need this.


    I truly believe that those who are in health care for the right reasons would be happy to volunteer some time. Truly caring about each other might be the best way to overcome this nations problems. Do the right thing when no one is looking or a law requires it, could be our saving grace.

    I would like to see Texas offer some form of State Health Insurance plan that would nullify the mandate of Obamacare. I strongly believe government sponsored health insurance plans are possible without it violating the Constitution of the United States by forcing the citizenry to participate or be fined or unjustly taxed. The biggest problem with Obamacare, besides its unconstitutionality, is the the Federal government did not look at making drastic changes in the medical industry or health insurance industry before the government implemented a law that is so blatantly unconstitutional.

    I think that Texas, as usual, could show the rest of the country how to properly create a system of health insurance that translates into affordable health care for all.

    Are there other changes to the healthcare system that you would like to see made, beyond health insurance?

    MC Lambeth
    Policy Analyst, Texans for Greg Abbott

    Gov Abbott needs to convene insurance providers, not just healthcare insurance people, and present the problem to them:
    How would they increase the proportion of Texans covered by healthcare insurance?
    How would they create innovative products that combine savings accounts with healthcare insurance and/or health maintenance organizations for Texans?
    Can they develop systems to improve effectiveness and/or lower costs of healthcare?
    Can they suggest methods to handle the large number of uninsureds in Texas?

    He also need to convene medical providers to get their suggestions for improving the healthcare delivery systems.
    This includes those in private practice, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, EMT services, private ambulances, mail order pharmacies, compounding pharmacies, laboratory services, and any others involved in delivery of healthcare.

    Then as an on-going basis re-convene them, perhaps jointly, to brainstorm solutions, as well as report on progress or obstacles to progress for public consumption.

    Well T.E.Sumner, there was a convening of the experts in the health care field, and their recommendation is to Expand Medicaid in Texas under the Affordable Care Act. Bring Millions of Texas Taxpayer Income Tax Dollars back to Texas instead of letting people go without routine health care services and making property owners pay more taxes to support the county hospital system in Texas. Now, what will Greg Abbott do with this recommendation? He should lobby the Legislature to expand Medicaid under the ACA and call it a Texas Miracle Health Plan or something to make it palatable. Most people won’t even realize it is the ACA Medicaid expansion, most uninsured are low information people, and the Republican leadership will be heroes.

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