Home Securing Texans Emergency Preparedness, TWIA, and Tex. Military Forces Lower age for Texas National Guard to receive retirment

Lower age for Texas National Guard to receive retirment

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Andrea Boyd 10 years, 1 month ago.

  • Lower age for Texas National Guard to receive retirment

    Started by Anthony Twardowski Jr

    I think 62 is to high of an age for Miltary members to start to recieve their retirment


    Mr. Twardoski,

    Thanks so much for your concern.

    According to the National Guard Benefits Website: http://www.nationalguard.com/benefits, one must serve 20 years before becoming eligible for retirement benefits. TRICARE Coverage, however, begins after reaching the age of 62.

    According to the TRICARE website: http://www.tricare.mil/, TRICARE was created by the Defense Health Agency, a Federal Agency.

    What actions would you like to see implemented at the state level to bring about your recommended change?

    Seth W. Christensen
    Policy Analyst
    Texans for Greg Abbott

    Mr. Christenson,

    I believe what Mr. Twardowski is referring to is the age at which Texas National and State Guard veterans receive their retirement pay.

    If a soldier enlists in the TXARNG at 18, then retires at 38, that soldier doesn’t receive their retirement pay for another 22 years.

    That also applies even to soldiers that were prior service Active Duty and transfer to TXARNG, where they retire from.

    Since the amount of a soldier’s retirement is based on a certain number of points, then the age at which they receive the pay they earned should be as well.

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