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Uniform Service Members, TXARNG & Education.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  MC Lambeth 10 years, 1 month ago.

  • Uniform Service Members, TXARNG & Education.

    Started by Chris Lee

    One thing I notice that education benefit of Texas National Guard or Veteran’s one in Texas are way worse than other states, even worse than states with huge budget deficit problems, such as Illinois and California.

    For example, unlike Illinois or California, in Texas, Texas National Guard members or veterans can pursue lateral degree, which means you can’t pursue for 2nd B.A if you already have one. Not to mention that in Texas, “Tuition REIMBURSEMENT( you pay first then reimbursed later)” amount is yearly limit is less than $20,000, which literally forceing Texas Nationl Guardmen/women and veterans to pursue only limited academic options and banning them from pursuing a degree, which can be very competitive in the job market.
    Whereas, in Illinois, National Guard members and veterans get the “Tuition Grant(You don’t pay a thing)” for 100% of tuition cost of whatever the degree you pursue.

    In other words, in the Illinois, Veterans and National Guard members won’t have to pay a thing even they are pursuing lateral degree or MBA or Law, whose in state tuition is ranged between $30K and $50K,
    in the Texas, Veterans and National Guard members have to PAY FIRST and then Reimbursed only less than $20K while the Law and MBA programs cost about same as Illinois, not to mention that they won’t be pursue for lateral degree to increase their productivity and competitiveness in the job markets.

    I am not a big fan of gay marriage, gun control or Democrats for last couple years.
    However, I could care less on gay marriage or gun control issue, if the education and military service issue is meeting my expectation.

    However, I can guarantee that whoever can provide the adequate level of education benefit, at least level of Illinois, for the members of Texas National Guard and Veterans so that they won’t have financial restriction for their academic pursue and to increase their productivity and competitiveness in job market, will have my vote as well as votes of many national guard members and veterans.

    So, if you like to have my vote and votes of many veterans and member of national guard, please let me know what you will do and how you will accomplish that.


    Thank you for your service, Mr. Lee! We’ll look into this. Do you think some sort of database for scholarships and financial aid would be helpful?

    MC Lambeth
    Policy, Texans for Greg Abbott

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