Home Educating Texans Pre-K Federal Preschool Development Grant

Federal Preschool Development Grant

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Julie Jumes 10 years, 4 months ago.

  • Federal Preschool Development Grant

    Started by Julie Jumes

    Does Greg Abbott plan to continue applying for these types of federal grants which, according to Arne Duncan, “lay the groundwork to ensure that more states are ready to participate in the Preschool for All initiative proposed by the Obama Administration?”

    Why is Texas on this list and what will Greg Abbott do about it? Isn’t your saying the proposed state defined “Gold Standard PreK” isn’t federally funded much like your saying we don’t/won’t have Common Core? The new data collection software implemented this year, which collects things like behavioral date on very young children (reference color coded system), is very much Common Core aligned. Teachers don’t want it. Parents don’t want it and we don’t want Federal and State funded and CONTROLLED PreK. We don’t want to pay for it. We don’t want Federal and State employees telling us how to PARENT our young children.


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