"Gold Standard Pre-K"

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Julie Jumes 10 years, 11 months ago.

  • "Gold Standard Pre-K"

    Started by Julie Jumes

    “Gold Standard Pre-K” differs in what way from Universal Pre-K? Must the state of Texas be in the business of defining and funding Pre-K to become #1 in education? Isn’t that expanding state control of education?

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    Who wants to take money from parents with a “gold standard prek” in the home to give to government to try to create an alternative? Why not try to make K-12 the “efficient system of public free schools” specified by the state constitution before handing over more of a family’s budget to government control? Isn’t it further solidifying from an earlier age the one thing we are teaching children well: “You can not self govern. You must look to the government, not parents, for what and how to learn and the means to do it?”

    Can you please reply to some of the questions regarding Pre K?

    The state’s responsibility is to ensure the general welfare of Texans, which includes education. Education is the civil rights issue of the day. Greg Abbott’s ‘Gold Standard’ program is about quality, where universal pre-k is about quantity (expansion). The objective of the ‘Gold Standard’ program is to improve the quality of the state’s existing pre-k program. The program is 100% optional at the discretion of the local school district, and provides an unprecedented level of flexibility. It’s great to hear from you again, Julie. Your engagement with our office on this issue is appreciated.

    The proposal would expand in that it would increase state level funding for Pre K and require increased state level accountability (student testing & data) of districts, correct? Do those of us who do not believe 2, 3 and 4 year olds, a state “Pre K Class” , in the classroom is best, have a choice not to fund it?

    Is the state “ensuring the general welfare of Texans” through expanded state control of education a bit like the national government “ensuring the general welfare of Americans” through expanded national control of healthcare?

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