Home We the People Federalism "Record High in U.S. Say Big Government Greatest Threat"

"Record High in U.S. Say Big Government Greatest Threat"

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  • "Record High in U.S. Say Big Government Greatest Threat"

    Started by MC Lambeth

    Please discuss!


    MC Lambeth
    Policy, Texans for Greg Abbott


    We the Government!

    Getting on the President’s enemy list is pretty simple: “Defend the Constitution, promote free enterprise, and nurture individual liberty.” All things that should be held as highly commendable, especially from the leader of our country. But sadly, these are the things most despised by the current administration. In other words Americans who believe in what this country was founded on automatically make the list. It is no longer We the People it is now We the Government. Our current course is trickle down tyranny and trickle up poverty. Here are some reasons why Americans say That Big Government is our greatest threat!

    I would like to share an email sent to me from Matt at Liberty Action Counsel.


    Mathew Staver, Chairman
    Liberty Counsel Action

    Two days ago, testimonies were given on Capitol Hill that should raise every American citizen’s concerns about recent flagrant abuses of presidential

    Michael Turley, a Georgetown University Law Professor, issued this warning… “The danger is quite severe. The problem with what the president is doing is that he’s not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system – he’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid.”

    Equally concerning is the fact that Congress isn’t stopping him because his leftist sycophants in the Senate actually like what he’s doing!

    Our constitutional system of checks and balances is being subverted by the Executive Branch to the point of being completely ineffectual. Please see my urgent update below – Mat.


    Under President Barack Obama, the Executive Branch’s quest for power at the expense of the other two Branches is accelerating. In fact, the administration’s propensity to sidestep the Constitution is making news nearly every day now.

    Earlier this week, the House Judiciary Committee called in experts on constitutional law to assess what they are seeing as a dangerous trend. Enabled by the Democrat-controlled Senate, President Obama has successfully tilted the balance of power decidedly toward the Executive Branch.

    Among the most telling of testimonies was that of Georgetown Law Professor Jonathan Turley, who said that the Obama administration has “an undeniable pattern of circumventing Congress in the creation of new major standards, exceptions, or outright nullifications.” Professor Turley added…

    “We have what many once called an imperial presidency model of largely unchecked authority. And with that trend, we also have the continued rise of a “fourth branch.”

    We have agencies that are quite large that issue regulations. The Supreme Court said recently that agencies could actually define their own or interpret their own jurisdictions.”

    The “fourth branch” of American government.

    In the next 12 months, President Obama will seek to fill 50 federal judicial openings and over 180 federal agency leadership positions.

    He will be stacking the courts and filling the federal agencies with ideological clones – people who have come to be known as “Obamabots.”

    This will, in turn, empower federal agencies to pass mandates without congressional approval and to persecute opposing organizations and individuals, much like we’ve already seen with the out-of-control IRS, the NSA, the FBI, HHS, and an unbridled EPA.

    In this chilling new scenario, circumventing Congress will be the norm for the Obama administration and its ever-expanding federal agencies.

    Then, if these agencies’ mandates are challenged in federal court, the President will have already taken care of the judges’ political orientations.

    Among the first federal courts that will be jerked hard to the Left is the Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, to which the President hopes to add three judicial activists as early as next week. That court is charged with ruling on Executive Orders and other administrative matters – no wonder President Obama wants that court in his hip pocket!

    As Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) said, “If we cannot go and get the court to decide the differences between the two branches, then… the imperial presidency is complete.”

    Harry Reid’s use of the “nuclear option” is fueling this disaster.

    With Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s “nuclear” gift to President Obama, the possibility of derailing these dangerous nominations has substantially diminished. The nuclear option removed the minority’s party’s ability to filibuster, rendering Senate Republicans almost helpless in trying to stop radical nominations.

    We must do everything we can to help stop Barack Obama from stacking the courts and flooding the federal agencies with his ideological clones!

    We must fully expose and STOP this tyrannical, subversive activity before the Obama administration and their congressional supporters succeed in remaking the United States of America into a socialist nation!

    Candidate Obama promised to restore power to Congress!

    Here is a profoundly ironic fact: In March 2008, presidential hopeful Barrack Obama told Americans that as president, he wanted to redirect power from the presidency back to Congress!

    At a rally in Pennsylvania, he said that one of the “biggest problems” facing our country was President Bush’s attempts to “bring more and more power into the Executive Branch and not go through Congress at all. And that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m President of the United States of America.”

    That falsehood ranks right up there with “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it”!

    Barack Obama is the number one abuser of his namesake legislation.

    In recent testimony to Congress, Michael Cannon of the CATO Institute cited President Obama for not faithfully executing the Affordable Care Act law. Cannon elaborated on the fact that the President is not acting constitutionally or lawfully if the decides which parts of the law to uphold…

    “The law is a reciprocal pact between the government and the governed. Public order requires government to remain faithful to the law as much as it requires the citizenry to do so.

    President Obama’s unfaithfulness to the PPACA is so wanton, it is no longer accurate to say the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is “the law of the land.” Today, with respect to health care, the law of the land is whatever one man says it is – or whatever this divided Congress will let that one man get away with saying.

    What this one man says may flatly contradict federal statute. It may suddenly confer benefits on favored groups, or tax disfavored groups without representation. It may undermine the careful and costly planning done by millions of individuals and businesses. It may change from day to day. This method of lawmaking has more in common with a monarchy than a democracy or a constitutional republic.”

    Left unchecked, President Obama will be able to pick and choose which parts of any law he determines to uphold, as he has already done with marriage, immigration, drug enforcement, rights of conscience, religious liberties, and gun control – just to name a few areas of recent abuse.
    It will take a massive number of American patriots to stand against the tyranny of the Obama/Reid machine.

    Thank you to all of you who are standing on behalf of our constitutional republic!

    Mathew Staver, Chairman
    Liberty Counsel Action

    P.S. This President’s agenda has been exposed – to transform the United States into “a more socialized union” by undermining the Constitution and siphoning power to the executive branch from the other branches of government.

    This “Imperial Presidency” is here to stay if “we the People” cower and refuse to stand against its tyranny.


    Solution to the Imperial Presidency
    Almost everyone knows our federal government is on a dangerous course. The unsustainable debt combined with crushing regulations on states and businesses is a recipe for disaster. What is less known is that the Founders gave state legislatures the power to make changes to the federal structure when Washington, D.C., starts to abuse its authority. Article V of the Constitution authorizes the state legislatures to call a convention for the limited purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution. Citizens for Self-Governance has launched the Convention of States Project to call a convention for the purpose of proposing amendments that impose fiscal restraints and limitations on the power of the federal government. I support this approach. I want Texas to be one of the necessary 34 states that passes a resolution calling for a Convention of the States. You can find a copy of the draft resolution and a legislator’s handbook (which briefly explains the process and answers many questions) at http://www.conventionofstates.com.


    Liberty Counsel Action

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