Elaine Kittner, 11 years ago
“will be rainbows and unicorns!” ???? If the abused one is relying on the only option of leaving the abuser, they are wrong. As an abused woman of 9 years, I can say that it wasn’t until I ( me, as a individual, person, people, community, whatever) was ready to be strong enough to say no more, you will not touch me again, and with a steadfastness that the abuser was able to see, that I was freed from the tyranny. As a Texan, born and raised, I am proud to be. But I do not think that leaving the union of the United States is a wise choice. We need to reel in the U.S. Federal government and stand strong in it. By the way, just because I was able to leave my abuser, my family did not fall apart.
Elaine Kittner, 11 years ago
“Under Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Chapter 42, deferred adjudication does not become a part of a person’s criminal record”. But as public records and reportable it is still there and can be used to discriminate against the person. I feel if they have paid the price and not done wrong since, that they should not have to worry about that.