Forum Replies Created
MC Lambeth, 10 years ago
Thanks for writing, Mr. Decuir. Florida did enact such a law, but it is no longer in effect after being struck down by a US District Court.
See here for other state’s solutions:
M.C. Lambeth
Policy, Texans for Greg AbbottMC Lambeth, 10 years ago
Thanks for writing in, Mr. Sampson.
Improving our states infrastructure so it can meet future demands is a crucial issue, one which Greg Abbott believes must be better addressed. Greg Abbott supports a “pay as you go” model where funding for roads comes from taxes and fees already collected, like fuel taxes and vehicle registration. He also believes that the taxes collected for roads should be used for roads. We should stop current diversions that siphon revenue away from the state highway fund that is then spent in other areas of the state budget.
Please see Greg Abbott’s transportation finance recommendations in Working Texans, starting on page 12:
M.C. Lambeth
Policy, Texans for Greg AbbottMC Lambeth, 10 years ago
Certainly, Ms. Jumes. Greg Abbott is committed to local control. The Gold Standard program is optional, so that parents, teachers, and schools can opt-in if the program is right for them. If a district does not opt-in, it will have no impact on their funding.
M.C. Lambeth
Policy, Texans for Greg AbbottMC Lambeth, 10 years ago
I’m sorry to hear about that Ms. Gray. Here are the eligibility requirements for state pre-k in Texas:
A child must be at least three years of age and fit at least one of the following criteria:
– is unable to speak and comprehend the English language
– is educationally disadvantaged, which means a student eligible to participate in the national free or reduced-price lunch program
– is homeless, as defined by 42 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section 1143a, regardless of the residence of the child, of either parent of the child, or of the child’s guardian or other person having lawful control of the child
– is the child of an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who is ordered to active duty by proper authority; or is the child of a member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who was injured or killed while serving on active duty
– is or has been in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services following an adversary hearing held as provided by Section 262.201, Family Code Lambeth
Policy, Texans for Greg AbbottMC Lambeth, 10 years ago
Hi Ms. Jumes –
The Gold Standard plan only addresses funding from the state and not federal dollars. Thanks!
M.C. Lambeth
Policy, Texans for Greg AbbottMC Lambeth, 10 years ago
Great thought, thank you Mr. Bennett! What do you think of the TEKS for health education?
M.C. Lambeth
Policy, Texans for Greg AbbottMC Lambeth, 11 years ago
Thank you, we’ll certainly be watching as the situation develops. Greg Abbott is adamantly opposed to both CSCOPE and Common Core:
“In the coming years, Common Core is not going to become an issue because as governor, I am not going to allow Common Core in Texas. CSCOPE, I will drive a stake through the heart of CSCOPE and ensure that neither CSCOPE nor Common Core have any level of threat or viability in the state of Texas. I know that principals, teachers, parents, here in the state of Texas know far more how to educate our students than do these bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.”
MC Lambeth
Policy, Texans for Greg AbbottMC Lambeth, 11 years ago
Thank you for your concern Ms. York. Greg Abbott is adamantly opposed to both CSCOPE and Common Core:
“In the coming years, Common Core is not going to become an issue because as governor, I am not going to allow Common Core in Texas. CSCOPE, I will drive a stake through the heart of CSCOPE and ensure that neither CSCOPE nor Common Core have any level of threat or viability in the state of Texas. I know that principals, teachers, parents, here in the state of Texas know far more how to educate our students than do these bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.” Lambeth
Policy, Texans for Greg AbbottMC Lambeth, 11 years ago
Thank you for writing, Mr. Roshanaie! Greg Abbott has release three education policies, you can view them here:
A cornerstone of Greg Abbott’s plan in local control, as parents and teachers know the best way to teach their children, rather than one-size-fits-all mandates.
Common Core has been outlawed in Texas, and Greg Abbott has resolved to continue keeping Common Core out of Texas schools:
“In the coming years,” Abbott firmly stated, “Common Core is not going to become an issue because as governor, I am not going to allow Common Core in Texas. CSCOPE, I will drive a stake through the heart of CSCOPE, and ensure that neither CSCOPE nor Common Core have any level of threat or viability in the state of Texas. I know that principals, teachers, parents, here in the state of Texas know far more how to educate our students than do these bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.” – See more at: regards to grading schools, please see Greg Abbott’s recommendation to apply A-F rankings to school campuses:
“Establish the A through F school district rating system at the campus level.” See here, page 10:’d love to hear your thoughts!
MC Lambeth
Policy, Texans for Greg AbbottMC Lambeth, 11 years ago
Thank you Mr. Phillips! Greg Abbott’s Digital Learning plan calls for professional development for teachers to effectively implement technology in classrooms, and his Local Control plan supports the UTeach program, which trains and recruits STEM teachers. The findings from your dissertation are very interesting. What are your suggestions for implementing T-STEM education in the classroom?
MC Lambeth
Policy, Texans for Greg AbbottMC Lambeth, 11 years ago
Thanks for writing in, Ms. Kappes.
Attorney General Abbott believes it is imperative for our state to secure the border, and keep Texas safe from drug cartels and gangs that import crime to our state.
On June 12, General Abbott sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson requesting immediate action in addition to $30M of emergency funding to allow the Texas DPS to continue their operations in response to this humanitarian crisis. Greg Abbott supports Governor Perry, Lt. Gov. Dewhurst, and Speaker Straus in their call for the Department of Public Safety (DPS) to increase its presence along the border, at a cost of approximately $1.3 million a week. Greg Abbott has visited facilities in both the Rio Grande Valley and San Antonio where those who illegally crossed into Texas are being housed, and reiterated his request that the federal government live up to its responsibility to secure the Texas-Mexico border.
Abbott states, “Texas is stepping up and doing what the federal government has failed to do – secure the porous border. The Obama Administration’s failure to enforce the rule of law has empowered transnational gangs and cartels to smuggle people into our state from around the world — including members of deadly gangs like MS-13. The Department of Public Safety will have the tools and resources it needs to curtail illegal smuggling, horrific human trafficking and cartel imported crime. Securing the border will reduce the illegal activity which – in turn – will promote the legitimate trade that helps make Texas the leading exporting state in the country.”
As a candidate for Governor, Greg Abbott has released a number of policy proposals that get to the heart of the problem. Greg Abbott’s “Securing Texans” plan, among other things, calls for:
· Providing DPS with adequate funding, personnel, and resources to conduct strategic surge operations along the border on a year-round basis, including 500 new Troopers and 20 new Texas Rangers in the Border Region, approximately doubling the current DPS presence in the region.
· In order to better assist border communities in addressing difficult cases arising from spillover crime, supporting District and County Attorneys’ Offices by increasing the allocation for the Border Prosecution Unit.
· To impede illegal border crossings, improve safety for law enforcement officers and facilitate apprehension of drug and human traffickers, eradicating invasive and non-native Carrizo cane along the Rio Grande River through a multi-jurisdictional effort and only with the consent of private landowners.
You can view the full “Securing Texans” plan here:
MC Lambeth
Policy, Texans for Greg AbbottMC Lambeth, 11 years ago
Thanks for posting, Mr. Cooper. Could you direct me to a source about the restrictions on earnings? As this is a federal board, how would you like to see the state respond?
MC Lambeth
Policy, Texans for Greg AbbottMC Lambeth, 11 years ago
Thank you all for your comments. Please see the full Securing Texans plan here:
MC Lambeth
Policy, Texans for Greg AbbottMC Lambeth, 11 years ago
Thank you for your perspective Mr. Husak. We’d like to hear your thoughts on Greg Abbott’s Securing Texans Plan.
MC Lambeth
Policy, Texans for Greg AbbottMC Lambeth, 11 years ago
Ms. Green,
What would your suggestions be to reduce paperwork? What is the paperwork meant to accomplish ? Thank you!MC Lambeth
Policy, Texans for Greg Abbott