Riley Litchfield, 10 years ago
I mostly agree with the original poster. It is obvious that our laws on marijuana are absurd. We shouldnt have people who would otherwise be fine citizens arrested, harassed, jailed, and fined for possession or sale of marijuana. It is a plant. I think there should be no incriminating laws regarding marijuana. I should be able to grow it, sell it, or buy it at a convenience store without intrusion and complication by the government. If anything, we can set a law for a minimum age to handle marijuana, and I say it should be age 18, just like I think alcohol should be age 18. Why? Because at age 18, one is legally responsible for his or her own actions. Therefore, we should have the ability to govern our own course of action at age 18.
Riley Litchfield, 10 years ago
Red light cameras are ridiculous. Although its comical to watch everyone speed up and slow down quickly to avoid getting ticketed, these cameras should not be installed. Its more unneccesary surveillance by the government. We already have police officers everywhere watching us, I think the red light surveillance is overkill. And people dont need other people watching them 24/7 to operate; we operate just fine without surveillance. I think what the original poster suggested is a fair idea. Please make it easier for us to get these cameras removed.