Home Educating Texans K-12 Tell the Feds to go pound sand

Tell the Feds to go pound sand

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Matt Prewett 10 years, 3 months ago.

  • Tell the Feds to go pound sand

    Started by Kristi Young Wood

    The Dept. of Ed. has far too much say-so in how we educate (and feed) our own children. I’d like to see the Dept. of Ed. eliminated and the wasted tax dollars go to care for our military and their families. States and locals can (and must) take care of our own kiddos.

    After that, the State of Texas needs to step up and foster the education of its children instead of the perpetual benchmarking and testing.


    Absolutely agree!

    Out of the $55 Billion spent yearly on public schools, the Federal government only provides $1.8B (for ESEA/NCLB) and in return gets to tell us how to run our schools.

    We need to find a revenue source and tell the Federal government “thanks, but no thanks.”


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