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Casinos and Gaming

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jeff Barnett 9 years, 6 months ago.

  • Casinos and Gaming

    Started by James Cutler

    Why in the great state of Texas, a state where individual freedom and responsibility should be the calling card, is the state government still trying to tell it’s citizens how to spend and budget their money? Not everybody gambles, I play poker only. However the state sanctions horse and dog racing and the Lottery, yet not casinos or poker rooms. It cannot be a morality issue because it picks winners and looser on the gambling issues and what kind of gambling is allowed. So it must be an issue of, they haven’t figured out how to maximize the money to the state or their own pockets. Why are we sending our money to Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Las Vegas, let’s keep it here in the state. It will add jobs and revenue, I know they will quote some studies about how other states suffered during the recession even with casinos, but those states don’t have the resources that Texas does. Texas does not need to rely on gaming as a major peace of it’s revenue. This is about individual responsibility and individual freedom, this is about the state not acting like Mother and Father to consenting adults, this is about the Republican Party living up to it’s conservative values of letting people “Live and let live”. If they are not harming anybody but themselves the state does not need to be involved. I will be voting for Mr Abbott because his opponent is such a disaster and an evil women, however I am very tired of establishment republican’s and government overreach into our personal lives and responsibilities.


    I have seen lives destroyed by Gambling in Aurora, IL living 1 mile from a casino. I have seen lives destroyed by gambling in Houston living 130 miles from a casino. Sadly the difference is only that in Texas the drive was further and the taxes went to LA. If I could make Gambling illegal in the entire US I might be tempted. (Of course with libertarian leanings tugging at my moral compass the God-like power might not be used.) Either way it’s theory anyway, since we can’t wish it away we might want to consider making it legal here too.

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