This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Julie Jumes 10 years, 7 months ago.
Started by Julie Jumes
Your recent advertisement of this virtual town hall has me wondering if it is truly a forum for debate? I have been a part of many good policy forums. Issues were addressed. I learned much through the views of those with whom I disagree. I am one of the few people posting here and I have no clue if my questions are even read. Is it because the questions are too difficult? Is it because nobody in your office knows the answer? Nobody has time? They are the wrong questions?
For instance, one of my last: Who opposes allowing every passing student within his/her tax district equal access to UIL extra-curricular activities and why is this opposed?
Is the question passed over because the ones who oppose it want to protect the unjust reasons for opposition?
I use this example because it is small enough for most people to understand and because I don’t believe it negatively affects district or state budgets either way. I also believe that allowing equal access would better unite communities, the intent of this town hall. It would get parents, some of the most involved, back into the district. They might put money and volunteer hours toward bettering districts. Their help might spur other less involved parents to be more involved. I have been accused of being Poly-Anna-ish often enough. Help me understand why we aren’t doing this? What are the negatives?
You will need to login to join the discussion.1RepliesJulie Jumes, 11 years ago
I hope Senators Patrick, Paxton and Campbell look at this too. The THSC does not represent home educators with the Tebow Bill.