Home Healthy Texans Human Services Services for those with special needs

Services for those with special needs

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Emily Joy Minich 9 years, 6 months ago.

  • Services for those with special needs

    Started by Emily Joy Minich

    Hi, my name is Emily Minich, and I have a husband with cerebral palsy, a son who was exposed to meth before he was born, and a daughter with Smith Lemli Optiz Syndrome. I spent a lot of time interacting with families who have members with special needs, and the common theme is that we are *drowning*. Moms don’t have enough money to stay home and take care of their special needs kids, but if they make any more money, they won’t be able to have the services their children desperately need. Families need the ability to have a good job but still be able to access help for their special children. Just having a good job is still not enough money to be able to afford what these kids need… taxpayer money is needed! We have private insurance for my daughter and she has Medicaid. Thankfully we are doing well, but only because my husband has a structured settlement that he got because of medical malpractice, but others are not in our situation. They have to choose whether they can feed their special needs child the expensive enteral formula they need or if they can pay their mortgage… then they go into debt. That doesn’t help anyone. We need more access to services and higher levels of what income is ok to access services. I believe that all children who are special needs (of a certain level of needs, not just dyslexia) should automatically be eligible for Medicaid. There shouldn’t be a years’ long waiting list! Please allocate more money for our special kids!

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