Home We the People Transparency Taxed Texas Highways

Taxed Texas Highways

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  MC Lambeth 9 years, 6 months ago.

  • Taxed Texas Highways

    Started by JT Sampson

    How do you feel about increasingly plentiful Texas toll roads? For example, Houston promised it’s citizens that once the Sam Houston Tollway had raised a certain amount of money, it would cease to be a Toll Road at all… In fact, they have increased the tolls of recent. Outraged citizens still pay hundreds of dollars a year to simply get around town.


    Thanks for writing in, Mr. Sampson.

    Improving our states infrastructure so it can meet future demands is a crucial issue, one which Greg Abbott believes must be better addressed. Greg Abbott supports a “pay as you go” model where funding for roads comes from taxes and fees already collected, like fuel taxes and vehicle registration. He also believes that the taxes collected for roads should be used for roads. We should stop current diversions that siphon revenue away from the state highway fund that is then spent in other areas of the state budget.

    Please see Greg Abbott’s transportation finance recommendations in Working Texans, starting on page 12: http://abbotttownhall.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/GregAbbottsWorkingTexansPlan.pdf

    M.C. Lambeth
    Policy, Texans for Greg Abbott

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