Home Healthy Texans Moral Values and Social Policy Compassionate Cannabis Care Act

Compassionate Cannabis Care Act

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Brenda Solverson 9 years, 4 months ago.

  • Compassionate Cannabis Care Act

    Started by Mimi Miller

    Texas and other states in the South are in desperate need of a workable Compassionate Cannabis Care Act for all Texan’s. As some of the 23 states have had Cannabis Medical programs since 1995. We are almost 20 years behind many states in America as well as other countries.

    Cannabis was medicine when they made it against the law in 1937. Up until the late 40’s doctors were still being imprisoned trying to get this medicine to the people of Texas. Again, it’s time for our Laws to reflect that Cannabis is God’s plant provided for every living creature on the planet. It is His gift to us.

    Please help support a Full Medical Cannabis Bill if presented in 2015. I was surprised that the Texas Lawmakers were so uneducated on Cannabis as medicine. As a person diagnosed with Cancer it is a treatment I would like to use instead of Chemo. Please consider an Executive Order for Texas!!! As soon as possible!!! We can delay no longer. We have children with Seizure Disorders’ we do not want one more child to die or have to leave Texas for Cannabis Oil as medicine.

    Please know that all the limited plans from 2014 for CBD only by ‘experts’ from Colorado not one on the bills are workable and children are left out of the limited CBD Bills. Texas does not have time to make a mistake. We must get it right the first time!!! We are in a hurry please.


    Totally agree with above post please help Texans in pain and our returning veterans who suffer from PTSD.

    In passing these laws please remember the little ones who suffer from cancer, seizures and other disorders that have been cured or made bearable with the use of cannibis oils and tinctures. The list of illnesses that can be helped or cured is endless. I agree with Mimi that this natural god given plant was put on this earth for a reason. I would much rather use a natural grown herb to cure my disease than to keep taking big pharmacy meds and even though they help a little bit do more damage than good. I want my life back and like many others would like to see this legalized so I can at least try to do that. So please Texas let’s put us in the leader role of the south with Georgia and do what 24 other states have already done. Also please don’t forget the children.

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