Home Securing Texans Criminal Justice Illegal game rooms

Illegal game rooms

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  MC Lambeth 10 years, 7 months ago.

  • Illegal game rooms

    Started by Will Martin

    The State of Texas is over run with illegal game rooms. They are so brazen they even boost signs that read “we pay cash/all jackpots paid in cash”. According to the States own study they cost the State/Taxpayers 15 Billion/year. How come the Top Law Enforcement Official/Attorney General has sat by on the sideline and done nothing to rectify this problem. These machines are all from the Carolina’s, and owned by people from the Middle East, are we financing terrorist with this illegal activity that continues on in Texas? If we are to have gambling in Texas (which we really already have since the lottery) then lets have casino’s and slot machines that are licensed and regulated by the State of Texas, so we may collect revenue from the gambling. Thank you very much for this chance to discuss this matter.


    Thank you for posting! What is your source for the $15 billion figure? How would you recommend the state combat the negatives associated with gambling? For instance: http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/ngisc/reports/8.pdf

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