Home Securing Texans Criminal Justice VAWA Immigration Beneit Fraud

VAWA Immigration Beneit Fraud

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  David Roberts 10 years, 6 months ago.

  • VAWA Immigration Beneit Fraud

    Started by David Roberts

    There is a loophole in the VAWA law that allows “Abused” immigrants to gain permanent green card and full benefits without paying the normal fees, having to hire attys, they get food stamps, housing, cell phone and a plethora of other benefits. With no evidence!! they only have to utter the words ” I feel like I am walking on eggshells” they are admitted into a Women’s shelter and get to jump to the front of the line at the expense of their American spouse. This loophole is being used by men and women because of the gender neutral language in the law. Texas divorce law needs to address the loophole and scenario to keep immigrants from destroying Texans lives with no due process rights. The feds won’t protect Texans so Texans need to protect Texans.


    There is a report here that covers the mechanics of loophole: http://www.saveservices.org/downloads/VAWA-Funded-Immigration-Fraud

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