Home Educating Texans K-12 All this testing!!!

All this testing!!!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Julie Jumes 9 years, 2 months ago.

  • All this testing!!!

    Started by Michele Pullara Allen

    I understand that the testing is part of NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND…..but the stakes are so high, the teachers can no longer teach in innovative, interesting, fun and exciting ways…..EVERYTHING is geared towards the tests!! Kids HATE school….it is dull, drab and test performance driven. You want to do something about drop outs???….then let the teachers teacher in ways that kids learn!!! Utah doesn’t have these high stakes tests because they refuse federal money…..SO can Texas look into giving the Feds the brush off so we can run our own educational show?????


    Even the children of highly motivated dual college educated families hate school. It is boring and all about testing, whether standardized or just subject tests. There are no educational moments or discovering a love of a subject. Their experience is reduced to regurgitating what will be on the next test; and getting a high enough grade to increase your class rank so that they can get in to the college of their choice. It is sad and frustrating and apparently ineffective.

    I agree, education is not being taught. The tests are being taught. Grading the schools and granting money based on the tests, well that is plain Liberal. There should be an evaluation test done. But divided to each course. Not some massive test done in 2 days. Use to be TABS back in the 70’s and 80’s. Then Texas started using other states standards.. We have been going down hill from there.

    #1 Scrap Common Core – Outlaw it
    #2 Develope Texas Pride testing system
    #3 Set State Standards that can evoke up, not dumb down.
    #4 Reward Students for testing level.
    a. College at extreme reduced cost or free. Maintained with grades excellence.
    b. Technical training for those that choose it.

    I wanted to say more but hit the wrong button. To continue my above statement.

    #5 Set a pay limit on administration of school districts. There in no need for a superintendent of any district in Texas. To make more than 5 times base teacher pay. There are some in Texas that make over 5 million a year for the job. That is wasted money.

    #6 Teacher voucher system to reward service. Getting business in Texas evolved in supporting educators. Low interest home and vehicle loans through state.. Set up perks for getting the teachers to actually educate our kids. Make them feel wanted in the State of Texas.

    Basically what I am saying is start steering the education system. Not to only make it rewarding and fun. But to make kids and educators hungry to be better.

    I’m surprised this forum hasn’t been added to for a year. Maybe I’m looking in the wrong place – but here goes:

    I am a Texas High School Campus Testing Coordinator – and have been for the past 4 1/2 years. Both High Schools were 4 and 5 A schools. Simply put – standardized testing in Texas is immoral in my opinion. Pearson is making WAY too much money at the expense of Texas children, Texas teachers & Texas school districts.

    I have not met ONE professional educator since being in this profession for 20 years who believes that standardized testing improves student achievement. So why do we still do it? Standardized testing goes against everything creative in the learning process. Standardized testing really says “we don’t trust our teachers”. There are other ways to manage / improve teacher performance. If ANYONE in Austin would listen to the professional educators in this great state – you would hear pretty quickly from some amazingly creative leaders who could open real discussions about practical ways to improve student performance while eliminating standardized testing.

    China is looking at us to learn more about creativity because they have built their educational system on standardized testing, and now over the years they have LOST their creative citizens! Do we have to continue down this road – until we lose all our creativity? Standardized testing does NOT show you what kids know. It just shows you who can fill in the dots the best. It sells some kids short (trying to demonstrate what they can do with the knowledge they have learned in school), and humiliates some kids (by asking them to perform on tests that they have not even covered the material – because they are being educated by an Individual Educational Plan – IEP – while begin asked to test in a standardized way).

    I realize this is a huge ship to turn – but we could make GREAT headway by doing away with standardized testing all together! The forming of the graduation committees this year (because we have thousands of wonderful students who don’t fit the mold of standardized testing) – really completely unauthenticates the process of standardized testing for those who did pass the exam in order to graduate.

    It’s a mess. Do away with standardized testing!

    Spot on Lesa! Thanks for speaking up for students, parents and teachers!

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