Home Educating Texans K-12 Rewards teachers based on merit, not seniority

Rewards teachers based on merit, not seniority

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Julie Jumes 10 years, 11 months ago.

  • Rewards teachers based on merit, not seniority

    Started by Joshua Rojas

    I believe that raises and bonuses for teachers should be based on student performance rather than years teaching. Many great new teachers leave the field because it takes to long for them to earn bonuses. Many teachers who have been teaching for a vey long time may not be doing their job well. I had lots of veteran teachers who frankly didn’t care and many young teachers who poured heir hearts into their students only to leave the education career a few years later… Good teachers need to be kept. Period. Bad teachers don’t deserve raises.


    Thanks for sharing, Mr. Rojas! What would you propose we use to measure student performance (testing, or something else)? What are you thoughts on how to identify and retain good teachers?

    MC Lambeth
    Policy, Texans for Greg Abbott

    Ms Lambeth,

    Do parents need the government to evaluate their child’s doctor regularly by testing the health of the children under his care? Do we need the government standardizing the treatment and testing of our children or can we work with our child’s state licensed doctor for healthcare? AG Abbott has spent much time in litigation against this type of standardization, yes?

    Further, what about our grocer/restaurant owners/cafeteria workers…Should the state test our children’s health and evaluate these? What about children receiving tax funded meals/food stamps or both?

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