Home Healthy Texans Health Care Abbott campaign insensitivity to elders not yet eligible for Medicare…

Abbott campaign insensitivity to elders not yet eligible for Medicare…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Donna Brannen-Kaiser 9 years, 3 months ago.

  • Abbott campaign insensitivity to elders not yet eligible for Medicare…

    Started by K Williams Bryson

    I was appalled by the response I received from the Abbott campaign regarding the need for Medicaid expansion in Texas. Citing studies which did not implement health care coverage through Medicaid for a long enough period to see changes in entrenched physical health metrics, the studies did not that emotional wellbeing was enhanced – mirroring a desire of our founding fathers for “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
    Health care is not a venue for profits to be made. We all need health care. Yet one in five of Texas citizens are denied health care coverage.
    I am on Social Security, not yet eligible for Medicare, caregiver to disabled Medicare-eligible partner, and NOT covered by health insurance. The e passion,of Medicaid would have provided health coverage to this elder who has devoted her life to caregiving and social service employment.
    Texas Republicans – the party of my forefathers – has abandoned this elder.


    I totally agree. I am 64, the health care I have has a $10,000 ded. Who can afford this? I pay for all my doctor visits, and pay every month for insurance I cannot use.

    I am 51 and recently widowed. My husband passed away November 10, 2014. My husband was on Social Security Disability as a double below-the-knee amputee and I was working as a substitute and his caregiver. As former Navy, my husband’s health care needs were being met by the VA, but I am too old to qualify for Medicaid and too young to qualify for Medicare. As a result, I pay cash for my doctor visits and medications. I rarely go to the doctor, but I am now getting to the point where that is changing…quickly. I am debating applying for disability myself as my physical limitations are affecting my ability to do my job. How does the Affordable Care Act help me?

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