Home Educating Texans K-12 An "Efficient" Choice

An "Efficient" Choice

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Julie Jumes 10 years, 1 month ago.

  • An "Efficient" Choice

    Started by Julie Jumes

    How about a choice that cuts out the cronies and brings in the parents, something like: “A parent/other caring adult can choose to do this…http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0671631985/ref=redir_mdp_mobile?pc_redir=T1
    with a child and if every lesson is done with the child before the first STAAR exam it shall be counted as a pass for the child for that exam. This <$15 proven, scripted tutorial method to teach a child to read and a parent/other caring adult coordinating lessons/accountability the 100, 15-20 minute lessons (less time total than a Pewee Football season by far) shall replace test prep and testing time and expense for those wise parents/other caring adults and teachers who choose it.”

    Similar could be done in math for Saxon with http://www.diveintomath.com

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