
This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Kris Williams 10 years, 6 months ago.

  • Environment

    Started by Kris Williams

    Texas currently produces 40% of the nations greenhouse gasses and is the highest emitter of Mercury in the country. How will you improve the environmental quality in Texas?

    The forum ‘Discussion with Texans for Fiscal Responsibility President and CEO Michael Quinn Sullivan’ is closed to new topics and replies.


    The largest acid rain lake in the world is in an undeveloped area in Australia. That fact is irrelevant to the environmental quality of Australia. You’ve made two assertions, and without arguing with either, which I have no confidence in at all, I don’t see how they come to a conclusion that the environmental quality in Texas requires any particular development.

    For the record, air quality in downtown Dallas has been getting better for the last thirty years.

    Something for your consideration:


    Good points, Warren.

    It’s also important to remember that Texas refines more than 25 percent of the nation’s fuel supply, manufactures more than 60 percent of the chemicals used in the nation, and provides more natural gas than any other state. This (and other) industrial activity provides ten of thousands of jobs across the state, and Texas has made huge environmental gains over the last decade or more: http://governor.state.tx.us/files/press-office/TxEnvironRecord.pdf

    Strides toward improvement are quite inadequate. Anyone who has looked at the 203d list of Texas Aquatic bodies is aware of the seriousness of this issue.

    There are now warnings and advisories for consumption of bay and gulf coast fish due to PCB levels.

    Mercury Reaches Unsafe Levels in Gulf Fish from Texas Coast

    Strides toward improvement are quite inadequate. Anyone who has looked at the 203d list of Texas Aquatic bodies is aware of the seriousness of this issue.

    There are now warnings and advisories for consumption of bay and gulf coast fish due to PCB levels.

    Mercury Reaches Unsafe Levels in Gulf Fish from Texas Coast

    Here is a list of the current advisories. What is your plan to remediate this issue?


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