Home Educating Texans Workforce Skills Development Every student deserves a trade

Every student deserves a trade

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Debra Young 10 years ago.

  • Every student deserves a trade

    Started by Angus McNew

    College is not for everyone, but working for a living seems to still be a requirement (for those not planning to live on welfare and disability). Whether they are college bound or not, it behooves our secondary education system to provide a trade and journeyman status in that trade to every graduating student. What a different world we would have.


    Thanks for your thoughts Mr. McNew. Would you propose more classes and internships through the high schools for interested students or for every student?

    MC Lambeth
    Policy Analyst, Texans for Greg Abbott

    I teach school. I would like to see trades classes back in middle school and high school. I understand funding, but I know there is a place for this.

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