Home Educating Texans Higher Education I believe all education should be over the internet

I believe all education should be over the internet

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Julie Jumes 9 years, 6 months ago.

  • I believe all education should be over the internet

    Started by Armando Interiano

    Dear Mr. Abbott:

    The current education system is not producing capable graduates. Moreover, its producing too many sub-literates.

    It needs to be revolutionized – there is no other way to describe it.

    Teachers need to place their courses online, where those who are not capable of understanding the material from a 45 minute lecture, can review it until they are capable of passing an online test – before moving on to the next lesson.

    As opposed to the current system, this one has the capability of teaching everybody, and failing nobody.

    Under this type of system, school is open 24/7/365, and the bureaucratic overhead that consumes most of our school district dollars shrinks.

    Finally, all industries and activities make use of technology to improve their product – the school system should do so as well.


    Armando Interiano


    Hi Mr. Interiano, thanks for sharing. Would this be for K-12 schools or for colleges and universities?

    MC Lambeth
    Policy, Texans for Greg Abbott

    Do you really get inspired to stand up and do something because someone on your computer tells you to? Sounds to me like you just didn’t have the right teachers… Real teachers stand in front of you, they talk with you – not to you. A Socratic method of teaching has shown time and time again to be one of the best methods. Personally, I like associating myself with living, breathing people rather than sitting at a computer (as i sit here typing this…)

    But, Jason, the status-quo, teacher in front of the class, model IS failing. There need to be more options. Young people might be inspired by people in real life work/civic/church relationships if they weren’t strapped to a desk for such long periods of time. They would be more comfortable building relationships with all ages and types of people if we didn’t stick them on the conveyor belt at age 3 or 4, in a classroom which looks nothing like the real world.

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