Home We the People Federalism State Rights

State Rights

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Henry Sherrill 9 years, 3 months ago.

  • State Rights

    Started by Troy Daniell

    we as a republic within a republic must defend the rights granted to the States and individuals at all cost and that includes not accepting anymore support from. The federal government. If we don’t take the money then they won’t have a strangle hold on us.


    History has got the civil war all wrong. It was fought over the states right to govern themselves. Slavery wasn’t even an issue until the Emancipation Proclamation was published in 1863. What about the New England states that were threatening to secede from the union when their rights to governing them selves were infringed. The federal government had to back off or they would have lost their primary money making states at the time. I for one believe that Texas should secede from the united states and become its own Republic again and revert to the pre 1845 borders. This would effectively cut the United States in half. See what they would do then.

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