Home We the People Federalism Texas Independence

Texas Independence

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  John Delfino 9 years, 9 months ago.

  • Texas Independence

    Started by John Delfino

    Nothing is more honorable to people and to families than to secure freedom. Those values took America to the Pinnacle of our existence under Ronald Reagan when through our power as a Nation and leadership we were able to bring down communism when we were all standing together against it. Today we have a similar foe in the white house and we must stand together against any enemy foreign or domestic. Stand on our principles, our foundations and our leaders must shine that message clearly in Texas as a beacon of hope to other states. The Federal government has out stepped it’s bounds and the state government has sidestepped it’s responsibility to stand with the people side by side against any Policy which tramples states rights at the very first and Constitutional rights of the people who are being governed to keep commerce trade and Peace. Leaders need to be of the people by the people and for the people, and not exist to milk taxpayers…. Texas needs it’s own currency and needs to operate as a Republic that it is…. That we first belong to the people of Texas, and this land we were given by Mexico …

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