Julie Jumes

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  • Spot on Troy but the Governor must give the task masters who own our children what they want. HB 4 is exactly that! Hand them over at younger ages, the commodities this mother of six, old fashioned as she may be, still calls children!

    Spot on Lesa! Thanks for speaking up for students, parents and teachers!

    Some Dr Seuss in Austin?

    I met Gov Elect Abbott back before the primaries, around the time USA Today called Sen Cruz “a grenade against apathy” for filibustering against Obamacare. I spoke a number of analogies to Mr Abbott comparing Texas Education Policy to Obamacare then asked him if he would be “a grenade against apathy” with respect to Texas Education. He said he would.

    I hope the Governor, once he has everyone’s attention, will take a cue from Sen Cruz and speak a bit of Dr Seuss to those in Austin who would “pull the pin” and change policies that treat students like a group to be exploited (eg “Pre-K Class” and private school athletes) to policies written with the understanding of how truly unique each student is and the need to equip parents, the adults closest to knowing the individual educational needs, with the resources to meet those needs. Dr Seuss and Sir Ken Robinson say it well…

    “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss

    I am not saying that the Tebow Bill specifically will keep us from being #1 in education but the reality of what’s important to legislators relayed by the fact that this Bill has already been filed.

    What will be important in becoming #1? Maybe IKEA says it best…

    IKEA is based in Sweden. Where does Sweden rank worldwide in education?

    Rep Dutton, how about you write a bill to encourage us parents to cowboy up?…something like “A parent/other caring adult can choose to do this… http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0671631985/ref=redir_mdp_mobile?pc_redir=T1
    with a child and if every lesson is done with the child before the first STAAR exam it shall be counted as a pass for the child for that exam. This <$15 proven, scripted tutorial method to teach a child to read and a parent/other caring adult coordinating lessons/accountability the 100, 15-20 minute lessons shall replace test prep and testing time and expense for those wise parents/other caring adults and teachers who choose it.”

    Yes, if the state is going to certify teachers then let them teach. State licensed doctors and others aren’t told how specifically to do their job ( before Obamacare anyway). How about the state let parents working with teachers educate their children? I know that STAAR testing is big business, but it does little to prepare young people for life. It serves only as a jobs program for our youth to keep that industry running. Greed is so very unattractive when we are speaking of young people and there futures, the future of Texas.

    We can keep our own “Gold Standard Pre-K” if we like it, right?

    Whose tax dollars will pay for those who opt in? The same folks who pay for school breakfast and lunch programs (sometimes on top of food stamps), the same ones who pay for multi-million dollar stadiums (for an elite few of the community to use), the ones who pay Pearson unbelievable amounts of money for standardized testing….????Why not let those folks keep “Gold Standard Pre-K” defining dollars in their pockets to contribute to their own children’s, grandchildren’s, or neighbor’s parent/community/church defined “Gold Standard Pre-K?” When did we decide that it was state business, rather than that of a parent, to define what a “Gold Standard PreK” looks like?

    Isn’t all of this rhetoric just to fall in line with:
    Obama on Stay-at-Home Moms: ‘That’s Not a Choice …: http://youtu.be/ksHIlbIWhgQ

    One only need Google a few Michael Williams speeches/write-ups on the topic to know where this is going. The “experts” must do everything

    But, Jason, the status-quo, teacher in front of the class, model IS failing. There need to be more options. Young people might be inspired by people in real life work/civic/church relationships if they weren’t strapped to a desk for such long periods of time. They would be more comfortable building relationships with all ages and types of people if we didn’t stick them on the conveyor belt at age 3 or 4, in a classroom which looks nothing like the real world.

    Dr Campbell’s daughter seemed to get this advantage in her district. She will probably be the next chair of the Senate Education Committee. I would address this question to her.

    Have you ever seen?

    Over 12 million views: I think Sir Ken Robinson is onto something. Shouldn’t the standardization paradigm change? Can we not expect parents and students to step up? Doesn’t House Bill 5 create more freedom to do that? Doesn’t it give more time/choices and require less testing? Teachers, I would think, have more time to teach with less testing, yes?

    Aren’t there more resources for understanding globalization today than at any other time in history? If we hand all resources (time and money) over to standardization will we have any left to invest in our truly amazing, individually gifted young people? Isn’t every single one of them gifted and talented in some area and every single one of them, in some way, special needs? How about we give parents and students the resources they need to partner with local teachers and freedom enough to be successful in life, not state defined “gold standards?”

    With the increase in online resources too the old “teacher in service” paradigm makes no sense. The use of instructional coaches and online resources does seem a win-win for teachers, students and parents (the tax paying customers).

    Round 2 with Ken Mercer and the State Board of Education, Tuesday, Sept 16, 10A. Show up to keep Common Core out. They are rewriting history on our dime, parents!

    Stand with Ken Mercer in his fight to keep Common Core out:

    “We must create low cost private options and people will vote with their feet.” Corrected Quote

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