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Julie Jumes, 11 years ago
The problem is greed. Once your taxes leave your pocket the money is not seen as yours for your child. It’s for the “experts”. If vouchers/other “choice” programs are offered and large numbers start using them for private education, taxes and regulation will increase.
Private school parents aren’t even given the “choice” to have their students enrolled in UIL (an unconstitutional educational expense in most districts). The UIL spends much of it’s budget and time regulating eligibility. This is so hypocritical given the UIL is owned by UT Austin providing clear advantages for NCAA recruiting.
If you think public education politics has anything to do with what is best for students attend a congressional hearing or two and/or read through a couple of the squirrely education bills. We don’t want “choice.” “We must create low cost private options and let people vote with her feet.” -Texas Billionaire Education Reformer
Julie Jumes, 11 years ago
I hope Senators Patrick, Paxton and Campbell look at this too. The THSC does not represent home educators with the Tebow Bill.Julie Jumes, 11 years ago
A. Time Outside of Testing Madness
B. Real World Experience
C. A Parent who believes his/her student is a genius and that it is his/her job to find and foster the area* of genius.
D. All of the Above*It is not likely that many of us in Texas will foster downhill skiing genius but I have watched new astro turf go on Johnny Football’s high school field this summer to better equip football genius.
Julie Jumes, 11 years ago
What does “the attention they need” look like?
Julie Jumes, 11 years ago
Private team and league monetary interests trump the rights of tax paying parents.
Julie Jumes, 11 years ago
With the bullying going on in Texas Ed politics and the apathy in addressing it we can hardly expect the classroom bullying problem to get any better. If Austin would equip parents with choices and the ability to use our tax funded districts as a resource instead of setting up the “We take your money to build large stadiums and test the snot out of your kids!” dynamic, maybe kids would be less disruptive?
Julie Jumes, 11 years ago
UIL Athletes do drugs but can’t choose where to get academics. That is dictated by the state through The University of Texas at Austin!
Julie Jumes, 11 years ago
“Saxon students know math.”
-Susan Wise Bauer in The Well Trained Mind makes Saxon doable for almost any student.
Julie Jumes, 11 years ago
UIL Drug Testing
Julie Jumes, 11 years ago
“I think it is a shame when a city will build a million dollar football field for high school games yet can not find the funding to keep schools open.”
Agreed, and as I participate in summer leagues, I can’t help but think how sad it is that we allow the UIL to continue discriminate. Isn’t it time to unite as communities, giving every individual student access to UIL within his/her own tax district?
Julie Jumes, 11 years ago
“If you like your schools the way they are you can keep them”
“We have had 50 yrs of the primary and secondary education act (Fed involvement) which has coincided with stagnation in test scores around the nation.”
In a state as big as Texas how is state involvement (STAAR tests/Gold standard PreK,…) any different? Is our state education code so very different than the 20,000 or so pages that describe Obamacare?
Julie Jumes, 11 years ago
” I think it is a shame when a city will build a million dollar football field for high school games but can not find the funding to keep schools open.” -Beth
Agreed, as I enjoy summer leagues, funded privately, I think of how they unite communities so much better than the discriminatory UIL and all the tax money that could be better spent.
Julie Jumes, 11 years ago
There is one in Austin. Here is their fb page
And website:
They will at least teach you that “Socialism is bad, very very bad.”Julie Jumes, 11 years ago
“We were fortunate to use federal “Race to the Top” dollars as startup capital. Texas will need to identify when, where and how this money will flow.”
“Students in Texas deserve better.” What students need is a government that stays out of the pockets of their parents and politicians who will send a loud message that Texas won’t be number one in education until parents cowboy up and the state government steps aside and let’s them. MC Lambeth, are you looking for “Rah! Rah! SOCIALISM we’re on board!” cheerleaders just because this young PROGRAM seems to be working in TN? Might I suggest spending some time at Patriot Academy this summer?
Julie Jumes, 11 years ago