Julie Jumes

Forum Replies Created

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  • Pocket Phonics can be used by a child waiting in the checkout line, in the car, … https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/abc-pocketphonics-lite/id302689971?mt=8

    I believe it’s universally available for all smart phones.

    Can we have direct parental choices for all personalized computer adaptive tools used with our children? Educating parents about the potential harms and providing alternatives would help eliminate the risks so clearly stated in the above video. (Ex Govt testing and tracking students for things like adaption to change without protest.) Adaptive tools don’t provide transparency and don’t encourage parental involvement, both desperately needed for “#1 in Education”.

    Didn’t the Regional Service Centers introduce CSCOPE to Texas schools? You are proposing expanded teacher training through these centers rather than locally, why? We should trust these centers for quality Pre K-3 training after the CSCOPE indoctrination attempt?

    Who wants to take money from parents with a “gold standard prek” in the home to give to government to try to create an alternative? Why not try to make K-12 the “efficient system of public free schools” specified by the state constitution before handing over more of a family’s budget to government control? Isn’t it further solidifying from an earlier age the one thing we are teaching children well: “You can not self govern. You must look to the government, not parents, for what and how to learn and the means to do it?”

    Sorry for double post. The system gave an error on the first.


    Is personalized adaptive assessment part of the Pre K – 3 plan? How will you protect Texas children from the dangers of adaptive assessment spoken of by Dr Peg Luksik?

    Spot on Colin & Pecos, unfortunately my experience has been that you will get crickets. It seems we are full steam ahead with standardized testing and Pre K. And, as long as that is the stance not many private/home school parents will want vouchers. “We must create low cost private options and people will vote with their feet.” Texas Billionaire Ed Reform Guru after a lively debate re: why the current gridlocked system will not be reformed. Sad, we need a good dose of Dr Seuss in Texas Ed, “a grenade against apathy.” -Reformed Polyanna

    Ms Lambeth,

    Do parents need the government to evaluate their child’s doctor regularly by testing the health of the children under his care? Do we need the government standardizing the treatment and testing of our children or can we work with our child’s state licensed doctor for healthcare? AG Abbott has spent much time in litigation against this type of standardization, yes?

    Further, what about our grocer/restaurant owners/cafeteria workers…Should the state test our children’s health and evaluate these? What about children receiving tax funded meals/food stamps or both?

    Did Pearson coin the term “Pre K Class” for our 2, 3 and 4 year old CHILDREN?

    Who wants to take money from parents with a “gold standard prek” in the home to give to government to try to create an alternative? Why not try to make K-12 the “efficient system of public free schools” specified by the state constitution before handing over more of a family’s budget to government control? Isn’t it further solidifying from an earlier age the one thing we are teaching children well: “You can not self govern. You must look to the government, not parents, for what and how to learn and the means to do it?”

    Aren’t parents, instead of the state or federal government, the true customer? The state certifies teachers like they license doctors. We don’t have mandatory patient exams to check up on doctors (yet). Why can’t the state certify and equip teachers and leave it to parents to work with teachers at the local level? Why not educate parents on ways to ensure children are progressing and let parents be Pearson’s customer if parents find the tests to have any value to children?

    Don’t parents know what is best for their individual child? Must we treat children, like Darlene’s students and my 9yo friend who just lost his step dad to a motorcycle accident yet spent spring break studying insane reading material for STAAR tests, like widgets?

    I don’t think expanding control and “accountability” to younger children is the answer. The state constitution specifies “an efficient system of public free schools.” Do we have that for K-12 now? Why do we believe the answer lies in taking more of a parent’s responsibility?

    Standardization isn’t working! It does only one thing well: teaches our young people they can’t self-govern, they can’t look to their parents for guidance and accountability…they must look to Austin/Washington/World Power (?) to tell them what and how to learn and to hold them accountable for doing it. Should we be surprised when these kids graduate looking for government to tell them “what next” and to provide for it? Maybe that’s the goal?

    Few, if any, believe that Texas has “an efficient system of public free schools” and the only contribution you have for this conversation is a plea to keep the study of creation out of schools? You do know that the MRI was a scientific contribution made by a believer in the creation account? Countless very respected and needed scientists believe in the creation account. My students study many different THEORIES on the origin of man. They know much more about reasoning and the scientific method than I learned growing up in Texas public schools. How about we focus our attention on improving schools rather than trying to force one side of a subject that has MANY angles among true scientists? Let’s teach them how to think rather than tell them what to think. Radical idea I know.

    The bar set by Commissioner Michael Williams for Texas public schools is to level achievement:

    If my kids are unprepared for life it’s on me. If the state fails to provide “an EFFICIENT system of public free schools,” because it’s goal is leveling, we should vote in people to change that.

    Is AG Abbott willing to take a stand against Michael William ‘s “#1 goal to eliminate the achievement gap between African Americans/ Hispanics and White/Asians.?” Will Mr Abbott take steps to make the state system more efficient and a resources for parents instead of a system which seeks to control students and limit parental freedom (ref the new 10-25M student data “dashboard” inaccessible by parents)? Parental involvement is key to better academics and you don’t gain it by stripping parents of access to textbooks/computer programs/potentially damaging student data.

    How is having access to faith based private schools for my K-12 student any different than using Pell Grants for faith based universities (Notre Dame)?

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