Home Working Texans Business Climate Licensing Bring Texas Hold'em Home to Texas

Bring Texas Hold'em Home to Texas

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  facebook_user_d2a7f416b4dffc150f6e2133b9efcf32 10 years, 2 months ago.

  • Bring Texas Hold'em Home to Texas

    Started by Matthew Allen

    For the past 10 years the game of Texas Hold’em has exploded across the nation yet Texas its namesake has yet to have safe and legal places where the game can be played. Legal card rooms in Texas would provide jobs and revuenue for the state that is currently going to Oklahoma and Louisiana. In addition state by state online poker is becoming licensed and regulated it only make since that Texas should join in as well. It is time to bring Texas Hold’em home to Texas.


    This definitely needs to be addressed.
    The people of Texas deserve the right to have this put to a vote.
    It is time for a change from the days of a few deciding the rights of the majority.

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