Home We the People Transparency Require state officials to disclose financial relationships

Require state officials to disclose financial relationships

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sharon Laffs 11 years, 1 month ago.

  • Require state officials to disclose financial relationships

    Started by Greg Abbott

    Require disclosure by all legislators, statewide elected officials, and gubernatorial appointees of any contract, subcontract, or paid relationship with a public entity, including the state and political subdivisions, held by those individuals or their spouses. Violation of this requirement would be a Class A Misdemeanor.

    State officers, candidates for certain elective offices, and state party chairs, in filing a personal financial statement with the Texas Ethics Commission, are not required to disclose certain contracts or subcontracts with governmental entities. This interferes with the ability of voters to judge whether a public servant may benefit from his or her contracts with public entities. There is a valid concern that public officials may be in a position to obtain private benefit from their public official contacts. This may be a particular concern with legislators, almost all of whom are employed in some capacity other than their public office. This issue should be addressed by amending Chapter 254 of the Election Code (Political Reporting) to implement this recommendation.


    Yes, it should definitely be addressed. The results of any prosecutions under that rule should also be mandatory to remain in sight on any future political endeavors, as that would be more punitive than a cheap fine that goes along with a mere Class A Misdemeanor. If someone is making money from their undisclosed connections, there is nothing to prevent that person using but a small portion of the ill-gotten gain to pay the fines.

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